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Our former students: Clara

⁠What is your name and where are you from?

I’m Clara, from Barcelona

⁠What made you decide to embark on the IDC or Divemaster course?

My passion for the sea, how special, unique and magic it feels to be floating underwater while being able to breath and appreciate nature. And mostly for wanting to introduce it and teach new divers this unknown part of the world for some people. 

What was your favourite part/highlight of the training?

Having had enough days to prepare so the last days before the IE I could feel confident and relaxed. I also loved the dive center and its facilities, and doing the training in Nusa Penida.

What was your biggest challenge and how did the team help you overcome this?

The language the first days (just getting used to all the vocabulary and acronyms in English), passing the theory tests. The IDC team provided me with enough tests so I could practice.

Where are you working now and what is your current role?

I am working at Gidive Center Palamós, in the Costa Brava, as a scuba diving instructor, tesching courses, doing DSD’s and guiding fun dives. Every now and then I am also in charge of the front desk of the dive center when the boss is in the water. 

I am also working as a singer during the evenings and some weekends. Luckily, I get to do everything.

What is your favourite part about your job?

Meeting people with whom I share the passion for diving, see the amusement faces of the clients after a DSD, being able to set a good example and be a role model for new divers. 

Do something that I love and getting payed for it, there is no better job than those.

How did your training at Purple Dive prepare or facilitate you in finding/working as a dive professional? 

I got a good training program and therefore I passed the IE easily. That was what the dive center back home (where I also became and worked as a Divemaster) was hoping for me to get so I can teach anything and I am more flexible to work doing different courses/activities. 

What is your best dive to this day?

One I did two years ago in the Red Sea, in Ras Mohammed (Sharm al-Sheikh), with my brother and two good friends. We saw plenty of things, but we felt so free just “flying” and letting ourselves get carried away with the current. That feeling was magical, so peaceful. 


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